We encourage giving as an act of worship.
We encourage giving as an act of worship.
We encourage members and visitors to tithe a portion of their income to God so that the ministries of the church might be successful in addressing the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and environmental needs of God’s people locally and globally. Tithing is defined as committing and giving ten percent of one’s income to the church. Tithing is part of the total Stewardship Plan of God: Tithe, Time, Talent.
As Stewards (managers) of God’s human and financial resources, we are obligated to manage that which God has temporarily placed in our possession: our time, our talent and our tithe. If you desire to be a good steward over the resources God has placed in your possession, please consider giving one-tenth of your income to God’s house by mail or online using Givelify or Zelle.
If you would like to mail your tithe or offering, please send to:
Bridge Street AME Church
277 Stuyvesant Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11221
If you are a member of Bridge Street, please include your envelope number on your check or giving envelope so that you might receive credit on your year-end financial statement.
You may give to Bridge Street online through Zelle or Givelify.